Kokkupuuteaja diagramm

Now, follow the same line to the point where it reaches the red area.Now, follow the same line to the point where it reaches the red area. This happens after about 4 hours and 15 minutes. At this time – the limit value – the work must be stopped unconditionally and action taken. Anyone who has reached the limit value must not be allowed to continue working with another vibrating machine during the current shift.
Say the vibration value is 7 m/s2. Start at that point on the vertical axis and follow the horizontal line to the point where it reaches the yellow field. Read off the action value on the horizontal axis. It will be just over one hour. In other words, this is how long you can work with this particular machine during a working day, without exceeding the action value.

Ülal olevas diagrammis olevaid numbreid tuleb riski hindamisel käsitleda üldistavate hinnangutena. Tegelikud väärtused sõltuvad masina tootja poolt mõõdetud väärtustest ja sellistest faktoritest nagu masina iga ja seisukord, puuri/peitli/lihvimisketta seisukord, tööasend, rakendatav surve jne. Lae alla PDF